Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to setup iTunes Folder Watching

As of version 0.8.0, iTunes Duplicate Song Manager can watch a folder for new files to add to iTunes automatically.  The folder, or music directory, is the same directory you have been using to search for duplicated files or files you want to add to iTunes manually.

So how does it work?  To get started.
  1. Select your options, the music directory, the file types you would like to filter(or add automatically in this case), and be sure the iTunes XML file was found successfully.  If not, you will have seen a warning.
  2. Enable background monitoring by checking "Monitor the music directory for new tracks and add them to iTunes in the background."
  3. Determine how often you would like to check for new tracks.  As of now, you can scan as often as every hour, or up to once every 6 hours.
  4. Press the "Start" button.
  5. That's it!  iTunesDSM with Folder Watch will run in the background and periodically check for changed folders.  If a folder has been changed, then that folder will be scanner for new tracks and if found will add them automagically to iTunes.


  1. Will the folderwating identify duplicate songs BEFORE adding them to the library?

  2. I like how this feature automatically adds music from my directory.
