Saturday, June 19, 2010

Scanning stuck in unknown artist unknown album?

I get emails every now and then about iTunesDSM getting stuck in the unknown artist or unknown album.  It seems to be that Java sometimes has an issue with hidden files or folders on the Operating System and iTunes seems to carry over some of those files or folders into the unknown artist/unknown album folder.  Here are somethings you can try:

1.  Temporarily remove the unknown artist or unknown album from the music directory and run the scan on the music directory.  Then replace the folder.

2.  Scan each folder inside the unknown artist or unknown album individually, searching for the offending folder.

Hopefully this helps - there is currently no way to fix this issue.  It might be once Java 1.7 is released there may be a better way to handle this though.



  1. I'd be happy to donate if you can help me get your software working properly - it said it couldn't delete the files because they were in use by another program. It did that for all 900 songs. So, I had to hit "ok" 900 times. and it didn't get rid of the songs.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You said right about the unknown album from the music directory, and i think this is currently no way to fix this issue, i also didn't think that it can be resolved!

    music directory

  4. hey! thanks for sharing this great piece of information.

    real hip hop

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Please HELP me! I can't get the program to add a music folder to clean. I've tried everything. Please help me get this working or refund my $14.95. Thanks and bless you.
